Final Meeting – ACCESS Tampere Festival
Celebrating the beautiful moments we had on our two-year Erasmus “Contact” project, focused on inclusion through dance! We’re so grateful to have had the opportunity

Greek Workshop Performance (photos)
The first part of the CONTACT Erasmus+ Project inclusive dance workshops and videos finished! A big thank you to all the participants, the contributors and our

Moments from the Greek Team Video shooting
Contact Project FilmingErasmus+Artistico School Of Dance ΘΕΑΜΑ Θέατρο Ατόμων με Αναπηρία – Theama Theater of Disabled People ΙΣΟΝ Θέατρο – ΧορόςAnna Vekiari Eva Michailidou Dimitra

Contact at Christmas time!
CONTACT Erasmus-hankkeen ensimmäiset taidetyöpajat nuorten kanssa päättyi eilen jouluisiin tunnelmiin. Lämmin kiitos kaikille osallistujille ja vetäjille! Helmikuussa sitten starttaa työpajat nuorten kanssa toimiville. Hyvää ja

Greek Workshop Performance
CONTACT PROJECT Greek Team had a beautiful workshop presentation.We also had a conversation about accessible arts and the social model for disability.Special thanks to this

Workshop at ISON
Contact through touch☆Contact through dance☆A beautiful project started it’s trip through dance and music.Let’s make arts accesible to anyone.Thanks to all the participants.Thanks to our

Online Round Table – DK-BEL and ACCAC
“The other one I don’t know” White card given to the DK-BEL Company – it continues tomorrow night at Le 100 ECS100 Rue de Charenton

Workshop at ΙΣΟΝ
Οι συναντήσεις για το CONTACT PROJECT – ERASMUS PLUS ξεκίνησαν.Η συμπερίληψη, ο χορός και το body percussion τα εργαλεία μας.Συνεχίζουμε το επόμενο ΣάββατοΣυντονίστριες: Anna Vekiari