Greek Workshop Performance (photos)
The first part of the CONTACT Erasmus+ Project inclusive dance workshops and videos finished! A big thank you to all the participants, the contributors and our Greek and International partners.Merry Christmas Έξις Ομάδα Χορού / Exis Dance Company ΘΕΑΜΑ Θέατρο Ατόμων με Αναπηρία – Theama Theater of Disabled People Artistico Dance School ΙΣΟΝ Θέατρο – ΧορόςBeautiful […]
Contact at Christmas time!
CONTACT Erasmus-hankkeen ensimmäiset taidetyöpajat nuorten kanssa päättyi eilen jouluisiin tunnelmiin. Lämmin kiitos kaikille osallistujille ja vetäjille! Helmikuussa sitten starttaa työpajat nuorten kanssa toimiville. Hyvää ja rauhallista joulunaikaa kaikille!#erasmus #contact Vimmart – yhdenvertaisen taiteen oppilaitos Jarmo Skön Satu Järvinen Anniina Lehtipuu
Greek Workshop Performance
CONTACT PROJECT Greek Team had a beautiful workshop presentation.We also had a conversation about accessible arts and the social model for disability.Special thanks to this powerfull group of people Until we meet again… Continue sharing and contact through dance.Our dance is an accessible one!!!Photos from the best Gkikas Melachrinos #erasmusplus #erasmusgreece #erasmusproject #contactproject #contact #dance #music […]
Workshop at ISON
Contact through touch☆Contact through dance☆A beautiful project started it’s trip through dance and music.Let’s make arts accesible to anyone.Thanks to all the participants.Thanks to our teachers Anna Vekiari and Eva MichailidouPhotos: Βαγγέλης Ευαγγελίου #erasmusplus #erasmusgreece #erasmusproject #contactproject #contact #dance #music #inclusion #inclusivedance #inclusivemusic
Workshop at ISON
Contact Project ☆ Erasmus+2nd Meeting Contact with touchOur dance is an accesible dance♡Photo: Βαγγέλης Ευαγγελίου
Online Round Table – DK-BEL and ACCAC
“The other one I don’t know” White card given to the DK-BEL Company – it continues tomorrow night at Le 100 ECS100 Rue de Charenton Paris 12thThe whole schedule for the second week in the link belowTuesday, November 16- 17.00 CONTACT Roundtable on Communication and Diversity of Sensitivity: How Art can help us connect with […]
Workshop στο ΙΣΟΝ
Οι συναντήσεις για το CONTACT PROJECT – ERASMUS PLUS ξεκίνησαν.Η συμπερίληψη, ο χορός και το body percussion τα εργαλεία μας.Συνεχίζουμε το επόμενο ΣάββατοΣυντονίστριες: Anna Vekiari Eva Michailidou
Film shooting of video lessons
Erasmus+ is a great tool for European cooperation, sharing good practice and to develop long-term partnerships. ACCAC Finland and Vimmart-Inclusive Art School are partners in CONTACT-project with partners from France and Greece. The project started in May and the first workshop period with youth is coming to an end. Ten times the inclusive group has […]
Workshops – ACCAC and Vimmart
ACCAC Finland ja Vimmart – yhdenvertaisen taiteen oppilaitos ovat mukana inklusiivisessa ja kansainvälisessä Contact-hankkeessa. Hankkeen työpajat aloitettiin eilen Tampereella ja innolla odotamme tulevia kuukausia Kuvassa hankkeen taiteellinen ja pedagoginen työryhmä eli KM tanssikasvattaja Satu Järvinen, musiikkipedagogi AMK Marko Soramäki ja teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja YAMK Jarmo Skön.ACCAC Finland together with Vimmart – yhdenvertaisen taiteen oppilaitos are a […]